Evangelism Seminars
The preparation of Christian believers to learn the importance of Personal Evangelism, Visitation Evangelism and Tract Evangelism in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
A classroom setting where believers will understand the four pillars of Personal Evangelism:
• Presence – The Music of the Gospel
• Proclamation – The Word of the Gospel
• Persuasion – The Conviction of the Holy Spirit
• Preservation – The Assimilation into local churches
Crusade Evangelism
Making of the Gospel known to a large mass of people gathered in one place.
Staging large evangelistic outreaches in open fields in towns and cities through the involvement and support of local churches and church leaders.
Using crusade evangelism is an effective tool to gather crowds numbering in thousands to hear the message of the good news that Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid for their sins with an invitation to accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
Church Planting
Networking with local churches to plant new churches through the process of:
- The Audience Contacted.
- The Gospel Communicated.
- The Hearers Converted.
- The Believers Congregated.
- The Faith Confirmed.
- The Leaders Consecrated.
Evangelism in Local Churches
A partnership in ministry with local churches, helping them to use:
Effective Strategies for Evangelism
• Finding them: Evangelism
Assimilation into the Local Church
• Keeping them: Assimilation